วันพุธ 12 มีนาคม 2025
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Thailand’s King Passes into Immortality

writed by altthainews

Thailand is undergoing a sensitive transition with the passing of the long-lived, much beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama 9). However, during this difficult time for Thais, they should understand that their beloved King has joined his forefathers in immortality, forever woven into the fabric of Thai history, culture, and the nation’s very heart.

Not a corner of the nation was unaffected by the life’s work of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. He ceaselessly worked in the promotion of infrastructure and development in the farthest reaches of the Kingdom bringing electricity, water, and sustainable agriculture with him.

Those few corners he has not reached have been transformed by those inspired by his example.

Networks of organic farmers and those promoting alternative energy, inspired by the King’s example, have brought light to hilltop villages, isolated and forgotten communities existing in the shadows of Thailand’s modern seaside tourist industry, and in the form of innovations and achievements created by those eager to follow in the footsteps of His Majesty in dedicating their life and work not just to their own betterment, but to the nation’s.

By understanding King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s achievements and example in life, he lives on in eternity in the hearts and actions of Thais the world over. Their love for their King already has made a profound impact on those who see and experience its positive effects. The King of Thailand is the heart and strength of the nation, a rallying point around which Thais, regardless of any other differences they may have, can join together around to overcome any obstacle.

Thais have done this throughout the nation’s ancient history, overcoming monumental obstacles many neighboring nations were defeated by.

That is perhaps why the enemies of Thailand have so eagerly and for so many decades attempted to undermine and diminish this strength of the nation.

But it is very likely that Thailand’s enemies do so in vain.

Thais will mourn the passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, but as long as each Thai lives his example in their daily lives, whether it is dedicating themselves first to their nation and people before themselves, or helping develop the nation through hard work and innovation, or inspiring the best in others, King Bhumibol Adulyadej will live on forever.

His accomplished forefathers too live on in the hearts, minds, and actions of millions of Thais. He has now joined them setting the stage for successors to follow in his example.

This year that the nation mourns His Majesty’s passing, is a year we can take extra time to finally live the example he left for us, the greatest way to honor the work he did in life. For those who already live his example, realize that in your deeds and actions you are the means through which Thailand’s beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej will live on in a very meaningful, tangible way, forever.

Simple Things You Can Do 

  • Grow a garden to supplement your daily diet;
  • Start an organic farm as a business and to make healthy, local food more accessible;
  • Support Thai farmers at real farmers’ markets to strengthen local farmers;
  • Help tutor local students that live around you;
  • Join an organic agriculture network;
  • Help the many networks in Thailand promoting sustainable, alternative energy and;
  • Join innovators who work to improve Thailand’s infrastructure and economy.

These are just a few examples of what we can do (and there are many other examples) to follow in King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s footsteps, and through which his life and example will live on long after Thailand’s mourning is over. When the nation’s mourning is over, by committing to these principles and the King’s example, Thailand will be stronger than ever.